
This is the mountain that I drew. Very basic and simple with the grass, stars and the Elemental clouds as I say it. The classic snow top mountains with trees. The trees and the clouds were made with the same tool. The spiral. I also had it snowing but I realized that it would be too much work to add in a lot of snow flakes falling. Instead I turned the clouds from 1 spiral to 4 spirals with the design of the snow flake in the middle. I had to delete a few mountains at one point to add in the trees because I forgot that I had to add in the road going through the mountains. As you can see,

This is my shoe that I took a picture of and traced over. It was difficult since I traced before I did the coloring and at the time I wasn't sure exactly how to change the color. I accidentally managed to group all the parts of the shoe together and I wasn't sure how to undo it since it wasn't a normal group. It was with the pen tool that I used which I did the whole shoe on the same string of pen "ink". I had to completely redo the shoe so I could color it better. I added it more detail than it originally had since I learned how to zoom in and capture all the small parts. Small parts as in the bottom of the shoe where the design of the actual bottom of the shoe is slightly seen and the shoe laces.
Identity Symbol

This design relates to me in the way that it is about a show that I am currently watching that I think is absolutely amazing. It includes symbols that spell out a few of the things that I enjoy. I came up with this design while watching the television show named, Stargate SG-1 that I just so happened to be watching while doing this design and some others. The blue water represents the event horizon of the Stargate, when they step through it they are turned into atoms and sent across the galaxy to another Stargate where they remateralize. It is a portal. The symbols around it are that are grey and black are used as coordinates. It explains why there are 7 chevrons, which are the crystal looking triangles on the edge of the Stargate. You need 7 coordinates. What is most successful in this design is how the event horizon looks almost identical to the actual event horizon in the show.

Shoe Repetition

This is my Shoe Repetition which was originally a trace of my shoe that was then copied and pasted, merged and multiplied. It was also recolored. This reminds me of a pyramid or even a hole. The big shoes as the base of the Pyramid and they shrink more and more until you get to the top which is a copy of the original shoe without any edits. Like the picture revolves around that one shoe, which it literally and figuratively does. The colors I chose were the colors that I rarely use. All except for the shoe in the center. I rarely actually use the colors, brown, pink, red and blue.
House Portrait

This is the House portrait of my mother's house. It took me a long time to trace this correctly especially with my parents removing the stump that was in the front. The color design is what it is because its the closet I can get to with what my house actually looks like. I tried to be as realistic as possible. Of course there is one detail missing which is a railing that's supposed to be next to brown door. I didn't add it in because it was too thin to do it correctly. The windows were reflecting off the sky and the sky is blue and all which is why the windows are that color. My house is actually the one on the right but my favorite part of the house is the left side. It seems more detailed and colorful, especially the door. It is almost like Eye candy.